Call for proposals to develop Pakistan’s long-term strategy

The 2050 Pathways Platform is initiating support for long-term low emission development strategies (LTS) for countries to be able to respond to the invitation of Article 4.19 of the Paris Agreement and to the COP 26 Glasgow Climate Pact decision that invites parties to submit their LTS by COP27.

The key outputs from the project are:

• A Long-term (2050) Vision document that can be submitted to the UNFCCC by the Global Stocktake in 2023 and will act as the underpinning for future elaboration of LTS

• A work plan for elaboration of LTS that is developed to ensure future implementation of the LTS

The Platform is launching a call for expressions of interest from registered companies to carry out this work in Pakistan. The deadline for applications is the 15th of July 2022. Please refer to the Terms of Reference provided below for further details on the project and how to apply.

Terms of Reference – Support for Pakistan’s long-term low emission development strategy

Please note the deadline has been extended to the 22nd of July 2022.



The Platform is requesting a final proposal under this announcement. The Platform does not envisage to shortlist candidates or hold a second round of evaluation of more detailed proposals. After selection of the firm, there may be some adjustments made to the proposal based on discussions with the government.

Regarding the format, we advise applicants to submit the proposal in Microsoft Word. A summary in PowerPoint version as an accompanying document is welcome.

The Platform is not able to share a headline budget number at this time. Applicants’ prior experience of working in Pakistan should allow for an informed decision on the budget. If selected, there will be room for adjustments after consultations with the government where needed.

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