The 2050 Pathways Platform is an initiative that was launched in Marrakech at COP22. The objective of the Platform is to support countries, states, regions, cities and companies seeking to devise long-term, net zero-greenhouse gas, climate- resilient and sustainable development pathways. For further detail on the Platform, please visit the UNFCCC webpage. The 2050 Pathways Platform is supported by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the European Climate Foundation.

This paper presents the possible motivations for countries, regions, cities, and
other entities to develop 2050 pathways, as visions of their long-term low-
greenhouse gas emissions development. It is intended to be read together with 2050 Pathways: A Handbook.
This paper is under the responsibility of the 2050 Pathways Platform secretariat and does not commit the Platform members or its partners.