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Why develop 2050 Pathways?

This paper presents the possible motivations for countries, regions, cities, and other entities to develop 2050 pathways, as visions of their long-term low- greenhouse gas emissions development. It is intended to be read together with: 2050 Pathways: A Handbook. These papers are the first in a series of papers from the 2050 Pathways Platform and its partners. Other papers will follow on more specific issues related to the design and implementation of 2050 pathways. This paper is under the responsibility of the 2050 Pathways Platform secretariat and does not commit the Platform members or its partners.

The author thanks Richard Baron (Executive Director, 2050 Pathways Platform) and Emmanuel Guérin (Executive Director for Global Policies, European Climate Foundation) for guidance and suggestions. The 2050 Pathways Platform is also grateful to the following for their useful comments on an earlier draft: Amal-Lee Amin and Adrien Vogt-Schilb, Kelly Levin, Stephan Hallegatte, Celine Ramstein, Miles Perry, Anna Broadhurst, Gwenaël Podesta, Laura Aylett, Nicole Kranz, Christina Paradiso, Felipe Osses Mcintyre, Emmanuelle Pinault, Damien Navizet, Yunus Arikan, Pedro Faria, Ron Beniof, Sara Berggren and Roger Ramer.