List of annotated sources

Sources annotated in Newsletter article from 15 January 2024:

[1] GST Outcome, paragraph 20, CMA 5 

[2] GST Outcome, paragraph 6, CMA 5 

[3] GST Outcome, paragraph 42, CMA 5 

[4] GST Outcome, paragraph 40, CMA 5 

[5] GST Outcome, paragraph 28, CMA 5 

[6] Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work programme, paragraph 6, CMA 5.  

[7] Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation, paragraph 9, CMA 5 

[8] GST outcome, paragraph 191, CMA 5 

[9] United Arab Emirates Just Transition work programme, paragraph 2,  CMA 5 

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