
Upcoming events

Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate COP29 events where the 2050 Pathways Platform will be actively involved—either as speakers, co-organisers, or participants. These are events of high relevance to our current projects.

Events without an asterisk represent sessions hosted by network partners. These events have a focus on LT-LEDS or long-term planning and may be of interest to our network.


Launch of IDB’s “Deep Decarbonisation Pathways – Latin-America and the Caribbean

Richard Baron, Executive Director of the 2050 Pathways Platform, participated in the launch of the Inter-american Development Bank project “Deep Decarbonisation Pathways – Latin-America and the Caribbean” in Bogota, Colombia, on 8-9 February. The DDP-LAC project builds capacity in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador...

China’s Mid-century Strategy for Climate Mitigation: Framing and Methodologies.

The long-term decarbonisation of economies represents a formidable challenge, as it implies transformations in infrastructures, technologies, business models as well as institutions and regulations. Its feasibility also hinges on successful transitions of the work force and communities around activities unsettled by ambitious climate mitigation policy....

First Annual Meeting

Date: 24-25 April 2018Location: Paris, France EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2050 Pathways Platform held its first Annual Meeting on 24-25 April 2018 in Paris. The meeting was an opportunity for Platform countries, regions, cities, partners and observers to exchange on various aspects of the development of long-term pathways,...

Past events