
Upcoming events

Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate COP29 events where the 2050 Pathways Platform will be actively involved—either as speakers, co-organisers, or participants. These are events of high relevance to our current projects.

Events without an asterisk represent sessions hosted by network partners. These events have a focus on LT-LEDS or long-term planning and may be of interest to our network.


Just Transition pathways to achieve Paris Agreement goals in the agri-food sector

Side Event 8, COP29 Azerbaijan

The side event convenes governments, negotiators, farmers, researchers, and development partners to showcase and explore options for practical and robust just transition pathways needed to achieve successful NDC 3.0, NAPS and long-term low emission development pathways. This side event convenes governments, negotiators, farmers, researchers, and...

Setting Up The Scene: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in the Development of LT-LEDS


The 2050 is Now Consortium is a group of partners dedicated to providing governments and in-country research institutions with the tools and analysis needed to strengthen long-term low emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in line with national development goals. The...

Past events