
Upcoming events

Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate COP29 events where the 2050 Pathways Platform will be actively involved—either as speakers, co-organisers, or participants. These are events of high relevance to our current projects.

Events without an asterisk represent sessions hosted by network partners. These events have a focus on LT-LEDS or long-term planning and may be of interest to our network.


Country Experiences in Laying the Foundations for Long-term Low Emission Development Strategies

Senegal Pavilion, COP28 UAE

This event will bring together country delegates to share their diverse experiences and reflections on their LT-LEDS journeys. The foundational steps that countries can take towards the full development of their LT-LEDS will be showcased. These experiences range from kick-starting Long-Term Vision (LTV) discussions, creating stakeholder...

Long-term climate vision and development strategies: lessons from Senegal and Nigeria

NDC Partnership Pavilion, COP28 UAE

Only a few African countries have submitted LT-LEDS to-date. Going forward, LT-LEDS in African countries must align climate and development objectives by considering national circumstances and challenges, including low energy access, industrialization needs and high vulnerability to economic- and climate shocks and climate resilience. In...

Charting low emissions pathways, and climate resilience plans through ambitious Long-Term Strategies – MDBs join forces to support countries

MDB Pavilion, COP28 UAE

Following the recent 2023 Annual Meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, 10 multi-lateral development banks released a joint statement outlining key areas of cooperation between MDBs. Key takeaways of the joint statement is the announcement of two new key finance mechanisms  for...

Sharing Progress and Experiences on developing a Long-Term Vision (LTV) 

Botswana Pavilion, COP28 UAE

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has been actively involved in supporting Botswana, Gabon, Lesotho, and Liberia to develop a Long-Term low carbon, climate-resilient development vision (LTV) that is in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement with the purpose to inform the future development...

Aligning climate action with long-term climate and development goals

Ethiopia Green Legacy Pavilion, Zone B2, COP28 UAE

This event will be an opportunity to hear from government representatives in Ethiopia, Argentina, India (tbc), and Indonesia to discuss the status of LT-LEDS development and implementation in each country, and indicate remaining areas where support is needed to help advance their country’s long-term climate and...

Senegal side event: Just Transition

Senegal Pavilion, COP29 Azerbaijan

Presentation of the long-term vision (LTV) and of the co-building process of low-carbon and resilient trajectories in Senegal.

Past events