
Upcoming events

Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate COP29 events where the 2050 Pathways Platform will be actively involved—either as speakers, co-organisers, or participants. These are events of high relevance to our current projects.

Events without an asterisk represent sessions hosted by network partners. These events have a focus on LT-LEDS or long-term planning and may be of interest to our network.


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Rowing in the same direction: promoting policy coherence to close the climate and nature financing gap

November 14, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Climate and nature financial flows to developing countries have so far largely fallen short of what is needed to meet the goals of the RioConventions. In addition to a steep increase of financial support from all sources, closing the funding gap will require a reduction of the financial needs through more efficient and coordinated planning and public spending.


November 14, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Side Event 7, COP29 Azerbaijan

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