Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate COP29 events where the 2050 Pathways Platform will be actively involved—either as speakers, co-organisers, or participants. These are events of high relevance to our current projects.
Events without an asterisk represent sessions hosted by network partners. These events have a focus on LT-LEDS or long-term planning and may be of interest to our network.
The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will be hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy and will take place from October 31st to November 13th 2021 in Glasgow, UK.
Below is a selection of LTS or net zero related side events at COP26. Please note that this list will be updated regularly, however may not reflect real-time changes to some events. For the full and most up-to-date list, please refer to the UNFCCC Side Event and Exhibit List available here. For further information on these events we recommend contacting the organizers directly.
LTS or net zero related events featuring countries | ||||
Date | Time/Location | Organizers | Event description | Speakers |
Monday 01 Nov 2021 |
10:00 – 11:00 Colombia Pavilion |
Colombia | Event on Colombia’s Long-term Strategy elaboration | |
Monday 01 Nov 2021 |
13:30 Argentina Pavilion |
Argentina | Event on Argentina’s advances in climate policy: The National Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan, and the Long-term Strategy to 2050 | |
Thursday 04 Nov 2021 |
18:30—19:45 Multimedia Studio 2 |
Tunisia and Association tunisienne des changements climatiques et du développement durable (2C2D) | Raise the ambitions to reach carbon neutrality in 2050 how to pave the way to reach carbon neutrality in 2050 in developing countries. The vision of Tunisia towards carbon neutrality will be presented as a case study. Governments, NGOs and climate experts will discuss the approach to be adopted in the different mitigation sectors |
Speakers: Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment (Tunisia) GIZ |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
9:30-10:30 NDC Partnership Pavilion (Blue Zone) | AFD, IDDRI | Long-term low GHG emissons development strategies in Africa | Speakers: Nigeria, AFD, IDDRI |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
12:00-13:30 MDB Pavilion |
MDB Paris Alignment Working Group | Long-term low GHG emissions development strategies | Speakers: 2050PP, two countries and others tbc |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 | 13:15—14:30 Multimedia Studio 1 | Côte d’Ivoire and Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) | Accelerating climate action via circular economy, a holistic approach to the long-term global goal Building on the findings of the global consultations on circular economy, convened by UNIDO in May 2021, the side event will discuss how best we can put the concept of circular economy into practice, with a focus on accelerating climate action and achieving the long-term global goal. |
Speakers: The event will feature a panel of dignitaries, including Ministers and Heads of Organizations as well as representatives from the private sector and academia |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
15:45 – 17:00 EUROCLIMA+ Pavilion | FIIAPP – EUROCLIMA+ | Long-Term Climate Strategies: Experiences and perspectives in Latin America. Exchange experiences of countries in the region on the construction of their LTS. Cases of Chile, Uruguay, Panama and Honduras. Present the initiative of the Latin American Network for Long-Term Climate Planning, as an articulating instrument that facilitates the use and access to collaboration initiatives in LTS of the countries of the region. |
Speakers: countries, UNEP, IDB, NDCP, Cepal. |
Saturday, 06 Nov 2021 |
13:00—14:30 Climate Action Room 2 |
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) | Strengthening NDC ambition through circular economy: the path for 1.5 degrees The purpose of this event is to highlight the why and how for integrating SCP and circular economy measures and perspectives into NDCs and LT-LEDS and share the experiences of countries that have been exploring how circular economy policies and actions can enhance GHG emission reductions and incre.. |
Speakers: Moderator: Mr. Rodrigo Rodriguez Tornquist, Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina (tbc) |
Sunday, 07 Nov 2021 | 09:30 – 11:30 Merchants House 0/1, 7 West George Street, G2 1BA |
IDDRI, 2050 Pathways Platform, BIICS country partners | Country analysis on Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies The purpose of this event is to launch the full set of results of the 3-year Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) project in Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa. The country leads will present the main policy recommendations emerging from the scenarios developed and the policy analysis undertaken in collaboration with various stakeholders. Country policy-makers, as panelists, will contribute to the appraisal of the short-term agenda identified by the in-country scientists as well as the effectiveness of different approaches used to inform LTS. Researchers, practitioners, NGOs, think tanks and policymakers are invited to join the DDP community to learn and discuss critical priorities for these countries and for international cooperation. Registration: |
Speakers include: Marta Torres Gunfaus, IDDRI Anna Pérez Català, IDDRI |
Monday, 08 Nov 2021 |
13:15—14:30 Clyde Auditorium (175 pax) |
Peru and Libélula Instituto para el Cambio Global | Building a long-term vision in Latin America for Climate Action Show and share the construction progress and good practices of a long-term, resilient and low-carbon development vision in Latin America, based on experiences of the Peruvian Government and partner countries for the implementation of climate action, through multi-level, multiactor and multisector |
Speakers: 1. Minister of the Environment of Peru Representatives of the: 2. Ministry of the Environment of Costa Rica 3. National Planning Directorate of Colombia 4. Subnational Government of Peru 5. Private sector of Chile 6. Financial sector of Colombia 7. The IADB |
Monday, 08 Nov 2021 |
13:15—14:30 Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) |
Palau; Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service (FTIS); Mom Loves Taiwan Association | Civil Society Actions for Campaign to Be Carbon Neutral by 2050 Theme: Islands countries often encounter dilemmas between economic development and environmental conservation. Palau is famous for its pristine marine environment and ancient culture. Palau’s Nationally determined Contribution set up an aggressive national carbon-neutral goal. |
Speakers: 1.Charlene Mersai, National Environmental Coordinator 2.Thomas How Chang Wang |
Monday, 08 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Government of Belize and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) | Accelerating Innovation Transition and Raising Low-Carbon Strategies Towards Net-Zero Perspectives Exploration of decarbonization solutions and share experiences for achieving net-zero perspectives. Insight discussions with practical strategies will lead to green transition actions and scale up ambitions to meet the 1.5C goals for a resilient society. |
Tuesday 09 Nov 2021 | 10:30-13:00 German Pavilion (Blue Zone) | International Climate Initiative (IKI), NDC Partnership, 2050 Pathways Platform | High-Level Event: The International Climate Initiative – Alignment of NDC and Long-Term targets for net-zero targets | High-level country representatives tbc |
Tuesday 09 Nov 2021 | 13:00-15:00 Meeting Room 4 | UK COP26 Presidency | High-Level event on Keeping 1.5C Alive | |
Tuesday, 09 Nov 2021 |
13:15—14:30 Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) |
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) | UNFCCC, UNEP, Ambition: The Emissions Gap Report 2021 This joint UNFCCC and UNEP side event features key findings of the Emissions Gap Report 2021 and a high-level panel debate on opportunities for enhancing ambition and accelerating action, the imperative of aligning NDCs for 2030 with net-zero emissions by mid-century, the role of markets, and more. |
Tuesday, 09 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM), Nordic Development Fund, SINTEF Foundation | Nordic Climate Neutrality and Market Mechanisms All Nordic countries aim for carbon neutrality, which requires relevant climate policies. The event discusses the role of carbon pricing and Paris Agreement’s Article 6 in Nordic climate policy and considers the private sector’s role in market mechanisms and implications of voluntary compensation. |
Speakers: All TBC Minister from the Nordics Paula Lehtomäki, Sec. General, Nordic Council of Ministers Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Perspectives Climate Group Nils Røkke, Exec. Vice President, SINTEF Ash Sharma, Senior Director, Nefco & Chair, NICA Sebastian Carbonari, Head of Section, Ministry of Env., Sweden |
Wednesday 10 Nov 2021 | 14:00-15:30 IDFC Pavilion (Blue Zone) | AFD, 2050 Pathways Platform | Supporting Long-term Strategies: Some Lessons from Country Experiences and Implications for MDBs Development banks have a major role to play in catalysing and redirecting global public and private investment in support of transitions towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development, in line with Paris Agreement objectives. The event will draw some lessons from various countries currently engaged in a LTS process supported by the 2050 Facility and the 2050 Pathways Platform, bringing together representatives of governments, development banks and think tanks. |
Speakers: CSTEP; Alex Saer, Director of Climate Change and Risk Management, Ministry of environment and sustainable development of Colombia (MADS); Patricia Campos, Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (MINAE); Sergio Gusmao, Vice-President, Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) ; François-Xavier Duporge, Deputy Head of Climate Change of AFD; Representatives from Morocco, Viet Nam, AFD, 2050 Pathways Platform |
Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Forth Room (44 pax) |
Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD); Guatemala; Honduras | Building Resilience in the Central American Region: AFOLU 2040 Initiative. By 2030, the SICA region (Central America and Dominican Republic) aims to establish and manage ten million hectares of sustainable productive landscapes that are resilient to climate change, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. |
Speakers: Ministers of Environment and Agriculture from Central America and Dominican Republic, FAO, UNEP, GIZ. |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
13:15—14:30 Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) |
Nigeria; Chad; Griha Council | Strengthening climate action through NDC and enhanced transparency initiative NDC is a milestone to achieving country’s set commitments towards low carbon trajectory. Effective transparency framework makes it achievable. The event will explore best practices and lessons learnt. |
Speakers: 1. Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria 2. Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) 3. Federal Mistry of Agriculture, Nigeria 3. Oil and Gas, Nigeria 4. Ministry of Petroleum Resources 5. Federal Ministry of Power |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 | 15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 1 |
Climate Action Reserve and the Climate Registry (TCR) | North American Climate Leadership and Strategies on the Road to Net Zero Sub-national action is essential to decarbonize the global economy and meet the Paris Agreement goals. Innovative leaders from the U.S., Canada and Mexico will highlight policies, practices and partnerships that are driving results on the road to net zero. |
Speakers: Governor Gavin Newsom, California, USA; Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, Environment and Climate Change, Canada; Maria Luisa Albores, Head of SEMARNAT, Mexico; Governor Jay Inslee, Washington, USA; Governor David Y. Ige, State of Hawaii, USA; Governor Kate Brown, State of Oregon, USA |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Clyde Auditorium (175 pax) |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Climate Markets and Investment Association Limited (CMIA); International Energy Agency (IEA) | Implementing the Paris Agreement – An Update by the Multilateral Development Banks The joint MDBs are actively taking on board the objectives of the Paris Agreement and assisting countries of operation and the private sector in its implementation. This session will discuss progress on the Alignment with the Paris Agreement, Support for Long Term Strategies and NDCs and Article 6. |
Speakers: Senior management level MDBs (ADB, AfDB, AIIB, EBRD, EIB, IFC, IaDB, IsDB, WB), Member Standing Committee on Finance, Country of Operation, Private Sector |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Oil Change International (OCI), Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand (HRF), Rainforest Action Network (RAN), SustainUS | Planning a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuel production to limit warming to 1.5°C This event will present the case for a managed decline of the oil and gas industry, highlighting the case for governments to align the production of fossil fuels with the 1.5°C limit and highlighting local, national and international initiatives to end fossil fuel expansion. |
Speakers: – Ploy Achakulwisut, Stockholm Environment Institute – Romain Ioualalen, Oil Change International – Nikki Reisch, CIEL – Rainforest Action Network – Representatives from the Danish and Costa Rican governments – Greg Muttit, IISD – Indigenous and frontline activists |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
18:30—19:45 Forth Room (44 pax) |
Russian Federation; NGO Center for Environmental Innovation (NGO CEI) | Low-Carbon Development Pathways: The Role and Approaches of Russia Russia plays an important role in the international efforts to combat climate change. The Paris Agreement determines ambitious mitigation and adaptation targets which would require extensive efforts of the the world community. Russia contributes a lot to these efforts. |
Speakers: Representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Energy, World Energy Council, Rosatom, RUSAL, Sberbank, NGO CEI |
Other Relevant Events | ||||
Date | Time/Location | Organizers | Theme | Speakers |
Wednesday, 03-Nov-21 | 11:30—12:45 Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) |
South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) and Sri Lanka | Good Practices in NDC update process and implementation in South Asia: Challenges/lessons learned
In this event SACEP member countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) will share good practices, challenges and lessons learned from their NDC update process in order to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. |
Speakers: Ministers of Environment and selected High-Level Experts from SACEP member countries, Director General of SACEP. |
Wednesday 03 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Multimedia Studio 1 |
China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (IESEA CAAS) |
The Path to Regional and Global Carbon Neutrality 1. climate change and the needs for global carbon neutrality 2. energy- and nature-based solutions to climate change 3. strategies towards carbon neutrality and sustainable development goals 4. implications to social, economic, and political development among nations |
Speakers: Wenjie Dong(host), Dahe Qin, Guoxiong Wu, Xiangwan Du, Bojie Fu, Yongjiu Dai, Yonglong Lu, Kejun Jiang, Panmao Zhai, Tong Zhu, Cunde Xiao, Tianjun Zhou |
Wednesday 03 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Multimedia Studio 2 |
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) | Toward net-zero emission pathways using the circular carbon economy framework The circular carbon economy (CCE) is a holistic approach to managing emissions that takes an inclusive view to all mitigation options & seeks cost-effective solutions that also enable creating value from carbon. The event will explore the role of models/metrics in supporting countries implement CCEs |
Speakers: Dr. Mohamad Hejazi (KAPSARC), Ms. Yukari Yamashita (IEEJ), Dr. Mari Luomi (KAPSARC) and other speakers/panelists from several regions to provide international perspective on this important topic. |
Thursday 04 Nov 2021 |
10:45-11:30 SDG7 Pavilion |
Climate Analytics | Achieving SDG7 through national pathways to 1.5°C This event will explore national pathways to 1.5°C for selected countries and how reducing emissions could help the world achieve the SDG7 goal. Presenting our web tool the “1.5°C national pathway explorer”, we will step through the emissions reductions needed at the national level for case study countries, and how governments can achieve these reductions, with a focus on the power sector. We will then share the results of our recent analysis with Solutions For Our Climate on the co-benefits of accelerated climate action and linkages with other SDGs, using South Korea as an example. |
Speakers: Climate Analytics, Solutions for Our Climate, 2050 Pathways Platform |
Thursday, 04 Nov 2021 |
11:30—12:45 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) | IDB Group, the partner of LAC´s commitment to the Paris Agreement LAC countries wish to ensure their recovery is sustainable, inclusive, and resilient. This event will showcase examples for bold climate policy, bankable investments, and innovative financial instruments, as well as the institution´s commitment for a Paris aligned portfolio, including the Amazon. |
Speakers: High Level Conversation (tbc) • Mauricio J. Claver-Carone, President of the IDB • Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia • Gabriela Mendoza, Minister of Development Planning, Bolivia • Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, GCF |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
13:15—14:30 Clyde Auditorium (175 pax) |
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) | UNFCCC, Means of Implementation: High Level Event on the Needs of Developing Countries The purpose of this high-level event is to provide an update of support provided and progress in facilitating the access and mobilization of climate finance for the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation needs identified by developing countries… |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) |
Rock Environment and Energy Institute (REEI), Zhenjiang Green Sanshan Environmental Public Welfare Service Center |
Carbon Neutrality in East Asia: Need to Ensure a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition China, Japan and South Korea’s carbon neutrality pledges would boost a rapid energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables in East Asia. The transition to a carbon-neutral economy also needs to be just and inclusive. Therefore, it’s critical to review challenges and key trends going ahead. |
Speakers: Prof. Asuka Jusen, Tohoku University Dr. Kenji Otsuka, Institute of Developing Economics Mr. Kim Joojin, Solution For Our Climate Prof. Shin, Yonsei University Ms. Zolzaya Enkhtur, Climate Campaign NGO Mr. Thorge Ketelhodt, GIZ Mr. Jiang Kejun, Energy Research Institute |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Multimedia Studio 3 |
International Organization for Standardization (ISO); Consumers International (CI); International Accreditation Forum Inc. (IAF); The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) | Building back a net-zero resilient economy through Governance, Policy, Standards, Skills & Inclusion The climate emergency requires an economy wide approach to integrate net zero and resilience. Linking the real economy through standards and aligning through governance, consumers and skills. We will showcase requirements and explore the role for standards to help fast track and embed transition. |
Speakers: UK Government speaker. Scott Steedman, ISO Vice-President / BSI Director-General. Victoria Hurth, ISO/TC309 – Governance. Sarah Mukherjee, CEO of IEMA – Skills. Peter Young, Chair ISO/TC322 – Sustainable Finance. Helena Leurent – Director General of Consumers International. |
Friday, 05 Nov 2021 |
18:30—19:45 Multimedia Studio 1 |
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Mr. Abhishek Kaushik; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM); New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) |
Transitioning towards low-carbon and climate resilient pathways by 2050 We will showcase different pathways for achieving a just, low-carbon, and climate-resilient transition by 2050. This will include key considerations for addressing mitigation and adaptation challenges, such as technology innovations, energy use, and emissions to ratchet up climate ambitions |
Speakers: Representatives from TERI, ENGAGE consortium, NEDO, and national experts (TBD) |
Saturday 06 Nov 2021 | 16:45—18:00 Multimedia Studio 1 | Teri School of Advanced Studies (TERISAS), Ecologic Institute, German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), WiseEuropa -The Warsaw Institute for Economic and European Studies Foundation (WiseEuropa) | Beyond Climate Neutrality: Using LTS to Chart an Equitable Path for a Resilient Planet Long-term strategies (LTS) and equity considerations are crucial to raise ambition in short-term climate policy, finance and to reach climate stabilization. We discuss their role in sustainability governance, core topics such as energy & transport, ecosystem stewardship, CO2 removal and adaptation. |
Speakers: Elina Baltroka, Climate Change and Adaptation Policy Unit, Latvia; Karen Pittel, Chair WBGU; African Climate Policy Centre; Aleksander Śniegocki, WiseEuropa, Poland; Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Climate Change Council Mexico; Eklabya Sharma, Former ICIMOD and Vice-Chancellor, TERISAS |
Monday, 08 Nov 2021 |
11:30—12:45 Multimedia Studio 1 |
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) | ESCAP & UNEP: Is 1.5 degrees within reach for Asia Pacific region? Current NDC pledges of the Asia-Pacific member States are very cautious and need to be drastically enhanced to close the gap between a devastating BAU scenario, and a carbon neutrality in the decade 2050-2060. The side event will create a dialogue with regional member States and stakeholders. |
Speakers: Leading organization: ESCAP & UNEP Supporting organization:Members of the Issue-Based Coalition on Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution (UNDP, UN-Women, ILO, UNICEF |
Monday, 08 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Clyde Auditorium (175 pax) |
CDP Worldwide (CDP), Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) and World Economic Forum | Transform to Net Zero: Accelerating Non-Party Stakeholder Action for 1.5°C Ambition & leadership of real economy actors is critical to achieve an inclusive, net zero economy by 2050. Corporate alignment to 1.5 via robust long-term and interim targets & strategies reduces supply chain emissions, defends climate equity & strengthens global momentum to accelerate action. |
Speakers: Speakers will include key industry leaders from Transform to Net Zero; World Economic Forum; & the Business Ambition for 1.5 Campaign. The event will feature a panel & Q&A, with virtual and physical set-up, & ensure geographical diversity & gender parity. |
Tuesday, 09 Nov 2021 |
11:30—12:45 Clyde Auditorium (175 pax) |
International Transport Forum, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (ITF) and FIA Foundation | Decarbonising Transport: Driving Implementation Actions and Turning Targets into a Transformation This event will highlight success stories of strategic and innovative ways to decarbonise and transform transport, focusing on vehicles and hard-to-abate sectors. It will identify challenges and synergies in developing and developed countries, and the support necessary for the global transformation. |
Speakers: Sheila Watson, Deputy Director, FIA Foundation; Young Tae Kim, Secretary General, ITF; Nigel Topping, UK Climate Champion; Rachel Muncrief, Deputy Director, International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), countries, including Argentina, Costa Rica, Kenya, Norway, and Ukraine, and companies. |
Tuesday, 09 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 1 |
Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social (Ethos) and Center of Live Institute (ICV) | Raising Brazilian NDC ambition and decarbonization paths for Brazil This event aims to conduct a multistakeholder approach to implement Brazil’s NDC, address recommendations to the public and private sector, showcase commitments on climate ambition and credible paths into decarbonization by 2030, including the adhesion to initiatives such as SBTi and Race to Zero |
Speakers: Caio Magri-Ethos Institute Marina Marçal-Instituto Clima e Sociedade Natalie Unterstell-Instituto Talanoa Elisa Badziack-Rede Brasil do Pacto Global Dominic Schmal-EDP Brasil Domingos Campos-Hydro Denise Hills – Natura & CO; Francisco Razzolini – Klabin. Maya Colombani – L’oreal Brasil |
Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021 |
11:30—12:45 Multimedia Studio 2 |
Stanford University and Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR,India) | Accelerating Climate Solutions Through Collaboration Across Sectors This event will be a panel discussion focused on collaboration across all of the listed themes. With speakers from the government, business, NGO and tribal sectors, we seek to present multiple perspectives on how different sectors can work together to build resilience and prepare for climate risks. |
Speakers: Moderators: Chris Field, Director, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment; Inês Azevedo, Professor, Stanford University; Panelists: Hilary Tompkins, Partner, Hogan Lovells; Patricia Poppe, CEO, PG&E; Wade Crowfoot, CA Secretary for Natural Resources |
Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 2 |
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change Ltd. (IIGCC); Ceres, Inc.; Investor Group on Climate Change Australia / New Zealand Inc. (IGCC); PRI Association (PRI) | The Investor Agenda: Accelerating global investor actions for a net-zero emissions economy A record number of investors are setting net zero goals, developing climate action plans, engaging companies on transition planning and calling on policymakers to deliver robust policies in line with 1.5°C. Investors with $41 trillion AUM have signed the Global Investor Statement to Governments. |
Speakers: The final speakers will ensure geographical/gender diversity. Betty Yee, California State Controller. Deanne Stewart, CEO, Aware Super. Fabio Alperowitch, Co-Founder, Fama Investimentos. Hidenao Makiuchi, Managing Director, Dai-Ichi Life. Jon Johnsen, CEO, PKA. |
Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021 |
15:00—16:15 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Architecture 2030 Inc. and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) | 65% by 2030 / ZERO by 2040: Top 200 Global Firms and Organizations Lead With 1.5°C Climate Actions By showing what’s possible, we’ll embolden governments to do the same. Top 200 firms responsible for a significant portion of construction worldwide will present the bold actions they are taking to decarbonize the built world in order to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C carbon budget. |
Speakers: Speakers will be a select group of dynamic senior leaders from the signatories of the COP26 Communiqué. The signatories include the largest firms and organizations in the architecture/engineering/planning sector from around the world; this sector is acting on the urgency of the climate crisis. |
Wednesday, 10 Nov 2021 |
18:30—19:45 Multimedia Studio 2 |
Climate Policy Initiative, Inc (CPI); 2° investing initiative (2°ii); UNEP – Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) | Driving Net Zero Finance Integrity This proposed side event will bring together leading experts in the net zero finance space to discuss what is needed to align all finance flows and portfolios with Paris Agreement goals, including: how to strengthen net zero commitments to avoid “greenwashing”; and addressing data gaps. |
Speakers: Barbara Buchner,Climate Policy Initiative Remco Fischer, UNEP FI Rachel Kyte, Dean of The Fletcher School Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors Marina Zeyss, Head of Global Sustainability, Allianz Ben Caldecott, University of Oxford Raphael Jachnik, OECD Emilie Goodall, World BenchmarkingAlliance |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
11:30—12:45 Multimedia Studio 3 |
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) | ILO, UNECA, UNU:Achieving a JT towards Net Zero: Challenges and opportunities with a focus on Africa A just transition (JT) is a whole-of-society approach that links climate action to social justice. The ILO JT Guidelines is a roadmap for governments to sustainable future which leaves no-one behind. This session focuses on the JT framework, countries experiences and business insights in bite-size.. |
Speakers: Lead organizations: ILO, UNECA, UNU. Supporting organizations: UN Members States UNDP UN Women UNEP UNFCCC UN Executive Office ESCWA ESCAP International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) International Organisation of Employers (IOE) YOUNGO (Children and Youth Constituency for UN FCCC). |
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 |
16:45—18:00 Forth Room (44 pax) |
Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) | Climate Neutrality in Brazil: ending the Amazon deforestation and action of business sector The Brazilian business sector is mobilizing to achieve climate neutrality agenda and net-zero targets until 2050. And, a new private mechanism, called CONSERV, has the potential to avoid deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Both initiatives aim for a real change in the country climate role. |
Speakers: André Guimarães (IPAM/Woodwell Climate Research Center), Representative from the Norwegian Government, Representative from the Government of the Netherlands (TBC), Representative of the Legal Amazon States Consortium, Representative of Agribusiness Sector (TBC). |
November 22, 2024 @ 11:00 am
November 21, 2024 @ 9:30 am
November 20, 2024 @ 4:45 pm
November 20, 2024 @ 1:30 pm
November 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am
November 18, 2024 @ 1:00 pm
November 16, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
November 16, 2024 @ 2:00 pm