Call for proposals to provide the 2050 Pathways Platform with logistics support for a regional event in Indonesia

The 2050 Pathways Platform, in collaboration with global partners, is organising a two-day event on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th September 2024 in Indonesia, with potential locations in Jakarta or Bali. The event is part of a project funded by the German Government’s International Climate Initiative (IKI), aimed at advancing the development of long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) in focus countries including India, Indonesia, and Argentina.

This project focuses on generating new research tools and knowledge in the three focus countries. Beyond the three focus countries, the project also aims to use the knowledge generated in this project to share widely with other countries and ensure learnings from the project can be disseminated.

To facilitate these knowledge exchanges, project partners have received funding to deliver three regional convenings where government representatives, experts and development partners can come together to exchange experiences and lessons learned in the elaboration and implementation of long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDS). In 2024, the first regional convening will focus on the Asian region and is set to take place in Indonesia during the first week of September. As part of this effort, the 2050 Pathways Platform, the lead partner for this activity, is looking to outsource the management of the event’s logistics coordination to a third-party based in Indonesia. 

The selected organisation/individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Lead the research and booking process for the event venue in Jarkata and Bali
  • Lead on travel booking facilitation for selected invitees 
  • Lead the research and booking of hotels 
  • Oversee visa applications from specific invitees  requiring visa approval from the Indonesian government
  • Procurement of catering services
  • Operational on-the-ground support during the two days of the event in Indonesia


The full breakdown of the assignment’s scope of work as well as the selection criteria is available in the full Terms of Reference, accessible by clicking here.


Organisations can apply to this call by submitting to se*********@20**********.org :

  • a breakdown of anticipated costs based on the scope of work section presented in these Terms of Reference
  • a short paragraph (300 words max.) highlighting the applying organisation’s service offer and their suitability to deliver this assignment based on the selected criteria listed above.

The deadline for proposal is Monday 13 May, 7pm (CET).

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