The 2050 Pathways Platform has received funding from Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI), to support specific countries in “Laying the foundations for long-term low emission development strategies (LTS) (see project page). The project will equip five countries with tools to develop robust, ambitious LTS, with the aim for countries to start with the elaboration of the long-term vision (LTV) documents as a first contribution towards the elaboration of the LTS.
The Government of Tanzania, represented by the Vice President’s Office (VPO), has expressed interest in being part of the project and develop its LTS. As such, the 2050 Pathways Platform is seeking proposals from firms to lead the delivery of outputs from the project in Tanzania.
The expected outputs from the project in Tanzania will include:
- Vision Document (LTV): A Long-term Vision document developed in consultation with key national stakeholders and building from existing efforts, processes and policies. This vision document can be submitted to the UNFCCC as a first iteration of the LTS and will act as the underpinning for future elaboration of LTS..
- LTS workplan: A workplan for the elaboration of the LTS building on the Long-Term Vision, this is developed in consultation with donors to ensure future elaboration and implementation of the LTS.
These outputs should be the result of a well-organised process under the leadership and guidance of the VPO and other relevant ministries as well as eliciting inputs from key stakeholders and reflecting broad national development priorities. The selected firm will take the lead in developing these outputs in close collaboration with the VPO and the 2050 Pathways Platform. The 2050 Pathways Platform’s role will consist of guiding the consultancy firm / consortium and ensuring quality through learnings from best practice, adherence to timelines and a general oversight on delivery.
Candidates can access the full Terms of Reference by clicking here.
Please send your expression of interest to apply for this project to the 2050 Pathways Platform Secretariat at secretariat@2050pathways.org by no later than Wednesday 24th April COB, stating the following in the subject of the email, “Laying the foundations for LTS in Tanzania.”
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