In partnership with the Director of Climate Change and Green Growth and the Africa NDC Hub Coordinator, the Platform is launching a call for expressions of interest from registered companies to develop Lesotho’s long-term vision (LTV). The Consultant Firm’s core duties will include the following activities but not limited to:
- Liaise with the Government focal points for the development of LTVs
- Stakeholder consultations and priority sector(s) analysis for LTV design process
- Lead the validation of the LTVs at country level.
- Ensure gender and youth sensitive approach in project implementation.
The deadline for applications is the 17th of Mar 2023 by 5pm GMT. Please refer to the Terms of Reference provided below for further details on the project and how to apply. Please note that the work supported by the Platform is limited to Lesotho and does not cover the additional countries included in the broader project outlined in the ToRs. As such, we will consider EOIs submitter for Lesotho only, as well as ones covering all four countries, as listed in the TORs on the AfDB website.
Click here to access the application on the AfDB website
The Platform is requesting a final proposal under this announcement. The Platform does not envisage to shortlist candidates or hold a second round of evaluation of more detailed proposals. After selection of the firm, there may be some adjustments made to the proposal based on discussions with the government.
Regarding the format, we advise applicants to submit the proposal in Microsoft Word. A summary in PowerPoint version as an accompanying document is welcome.
The Platform is not able to share a headline budget number at this time. Applicants’ prior experience of working in Lesotho should allow for an informed decision on the budget. If selected, there will be room for adjustments after consultations with the government where needed.
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