The 2050 Pathways Platform is supporting the upcoming revision of South Africa’s first LT-LEDS. South Africa submitted its first LT-LEDS report to the UNFCCC in September 2020 and has undertaken several policy, institutional and regulatory measures to implement elements of the first strategy. The policy environment and institutional set-up has significantly changed since the submission of the first LT-LEDS and South Africa is seeking to update its LT-LEDS in respect to this. South Africa also plans to improve the overall LT-LEDS in a way that will better communicate its long term low carbon and development path.
In May 2024, the 2050 Pathways Platform formally responded to South Africa’s request for support via the NDC Partnership. This response was followed by a series of coordination and scoping calls with the DFFE and other implementing partners. The DFFE and implementing partners agreed in July 2024 on a joint phasing plan of deliverables and a sequencing of support between partners for the entire LT-LEDS revision project period (August 2024 – March 2026). The benchmarking assessment and analysis of South Africa’s first LT-LEDS falls under Deliverable 1 of this phasing plan which is to be fully commissioned by the 2050 Pathways Platform.
Under Deliverable 1, the selected firm will be expected to deliver the following outputs:
1. An LT-LEDS benchmarking assessment and an analysis of South Africa’s first LT-LEDS
The objective of the benchmarking assessment and LT-LEDS report is to provide DFFE with knowledge of other country experiences and best practices that can inform and steer the revision process of their existing LT-LEDS. Attention should be paid to developing countries and emerging economies with similar circumstances to South Africa in terms of economy size, environmental policy and social conditions. The government is also eager to learn more about other long-term planning policies and processes in countries (outside of LT-LEDS) that have relevance to long-term planning towards climate and development objectives. Knowledge of these ‘best practices’ can inform the revision of the South African LT-LEDS to suit the country’s specific context. Furthermore, the report should include an analysis of South Africa’s first LT-LEDS which was submitted to the UNFCCC in September 2020. More details about this output can be found in the full Terms of Reference linked below.
2. Presentations of key findings and recommendations from the report to the government and relevant stakeholders
The selected firm will be expected to deliver one or more interim presentations to the government and relevant stakeholders during the assignment. At the end of the assignment, a final report presentation will also be delivered to highlight the full process and approach taken, key findings and recommendations from the report to the government and other relevant stakeholders engaging with the LT-LEDS revision process
The firm is being commissioned by the 2050 Pathways Platform. The firm will report to the 2050 Pathways Platform for contractual and administrative purposes and will be guided by South Africa’s Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) on all project-related elements. The 2050 Pathways Platform will also act as an advisor and will have overall oversight of the project, ensuring the quality of results through lessons from best practices, adherence to timelines, and general oversight of delivery. The 2050 Pathways Platform and DFFE will comment on interim products such as presentations and reports, approve products, and follow work progress. The assignment is expected to last approximately three months from the contract start date.
Candidates can access the full terms of reference by clicking here, including more details on the outputs and the list of documents required to apply.
Please send your expression of interest to apply for this project to the 2050 Pathways Platform Secretariat at by no later than 23 August 2024 18:00 (South Africa Time), stating the following in the subject of the email, “South Africa – Benchmarking assessment and LT-LEDS analysis”
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